The LibertySmith
of political groups and political thought
in relationship to the American System of Liberty

Designed to teach and give clarity in understanding the general spectrum of political groups and thought in relationship to those who support or working against our American System of Liberty. For example: Did you know there is a difference between a 'liberal' and a 'leftist?' One DOES believe in protecting fundamental rights and the other works to destroy them. It's important in this day and age to know the difference.

When all those Political Spectrum Charts don't really do things the right way, we do our own. This time we make one centered from the basis of American Liberty. Updated with the current Who, the What, the Common Terms and Names.

Introduction to the Chart

We present this Political Spectrum Chart to understand today's political battlefield more easily. It is important to identify which political stands and policies and which individuals and groups are working for and against American Liberty. The Fog of War - In a similar sense, the political battlefield can be very, very difficult to see, to understand due to the vast number of combatants and groups in play. Also, most individuals and groups tend not to be pure believers in one specific area of political thought but often combine several from different areas the spectrum.

In this day and age, we need to be able to easily identify and support politicians who don't just support conservative policies but ALSO are strong campions and advocates for maintaining our system of American Liberty. In this day and age, we critically need to be able to easily identify what is important, what is fluff, and what is garbage in the political arena.

The chart will help you identify the roots of positions to more easily discover truths like:

  • who is more of a serious threat to American Liberty and who is not;

  • which politicians are true, rock solid allies in supporting American Liberty and who are not;

  • which of your favorite politicians are also working, in some areas, to actually undermine American Liberty.

When you have a society built upon the concept that the self-evident, natural rights of the individual cannot be interfered with and are higher and superior to the government and it's laws; where you hold that political speech is the most sacred form of speech and the voice of the individual to address their grievances about the government openly, peacefully, and freely cannot be censored; then you have arrived in the unique system of American Liberty. A system where your political opponents, and even your political enemies (those who wish to destroy and bring down our system of American Liberty), have just as much the right to speak and be heard as we do, those who support American Liberty. That to combat the enemies of American Liberty is to defeat them - not with threats, violence, persecution, or imprisonment - but with the strength of our arguments in open debate and discussion for the purpose of educating and winning the majority support of the People. TO HELP EDUCATE OURSELVES in the pursuit of these goals, this chart project was begun.

E Pluribus Unum (motto of the united states)
- From the very beginning, when the Founders recognized "out of the many, we become one," they understood, for our system of American Liberty to succeed, we have to become one people united in support of it or it would slowly fail. That the basis for Individual Liberty to be successfully implemented, each individual must maintain their own self-discipline and self-control in relation to others. That in this, the Founders recognized we have to live peaceable with and give basic respect to one another, even to those who don't believe the same, even to those who we might consider our enemies.

TO MAINTAIN our System of American Liberty WE MUST:

Recognize and respect EVERYONE's Individual Liberty, Rights, and Freedoms. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
"Love your neighbor as yourself" as Jesus (Yeshua) said.
2) ONLY GIVE YOUR POLITICAL SUPPORT TO those who peacefully, passionately, and effectively champion our system of American Liberty.

What do we have Doctor (Benjamin) Franklin?
"A Republic, if you can keep it!"
